The Plantation
Cotton picking should, in all reason, be completed this month....Oats, Rye, Clover and Grass seeds may still be sown. If sweet Potatoes were not housed last month--and we think the first two weeks of the present month early enough--do not delay later than the fifteenth. Gather during dry weather, and do not leave the tubers exposed to the sun. [there is a descrïption of how to build a "pump" for the sweet potato storage if anyone wants this info, let me know]....If strong-handed in
proportion to the cotton yet to pick, after gathering and storing a fine lot of Peas, Pumpkins, etc. start a few plows to breaking up the corn ground, and covering up corn stalks and other trash. If too heavy a cover to trash be on the ground have it dragged into piles with a heavy harrow, and litter the stock yards deeply with it; but by no means burn it.
Garden Calender
Referring to last month's directions--sow Peas, Cabbage, Radish,
Carrots, Spinage, Turnips, Parsnips, Lettuce, Beets, Salsafy, Onions, Leeks, etc. Although Peas may be sown this month, there is considerable risk in it; and it is best to defer any thing of a general sowing until next month. Bishop's Dwarf, Blue mperial, Dwarf Marrowfat, and others of that habit, are best to sow now as in case of severe weather, they may be easily protected. Asparagus beds should now be dressed, applying manure plentifully. Make up compost heaps and accumulate manure in every way.
Fruit Garden and Orchard
By the middle and last of this month, everything should be ready for transplanting, so that the trees, if ordered from nurseries, may be got in without loss of time; and if grown at home, may be at once transplated.
[there is a descrïption of different types of grapes that Affleck
thinks would do well in Texas, let me if your interested in the info.]
Cotton picking should, in all reason, be completed this month....Oats, Rye, Clover and Grass seeds may still be sown. If sweet Potatoes were not housed last month--and we think the first two weeks of the present month early enough--do not delay later than the fifteenth. Gather during dry weather, and do not leave the tubers exposed to the sun. [there is a descrïption of how to build a "pump" for the sweet potato storage if anyone wants this info, let me know]....If strong-handed in
proportion to the cotton yet to pick, after gathering and storing a fine lot of Peas, Pumpkins, etc. start a few plows to breaking up the corn ground, and covering up corn stalks and other trash. If too heavy a cover to trash be on the ground have it dragged into piles with a heavy harrow, and litter the stock yards deeply with it; but by no means burn it.
Garden Calender
Referring to last month's directions--sow Peas, Cabbage, Radish,
Carrots, Spinage, Turnips, Parsnips, Lettuce, Beets, Salsafy, Onions, Leeks, etc. Although Peas may be sown this month, there is considerable risk in it; and it is best to defer any thing of a general sowing until next month. Bishop's Dwarf, Blue mperial, Dwarf Marrowfat, and others of that habit, are best to sow now as in case of severe weather, they may be easily protected. Asparagus beds should now be dressed, applying manure plentifully. Make up compost heaps and accumulate manure in every way.
Fruit Garden and Orchard
By the middle and last of this month, everything should be ready for transplanting, so that the trees, if ordered from nurseries, may be got in without loss of time; and if grown at home, may be at once transplated.
[there is a descrïption of different types of grapes that Affleck
thinks would do well in Texas, let me if your interested in the info.]